Civil & Commercial Litigation

Your Litigation Lawyer

Civil & Commercial Litigation

Whether it’s legislation, common law, dispute resolution, or litigation, we strive to achieve optimal results for your circumstance.

Sambi Legal’s experience extends across all Australian jurisdictions, handling cases of all sizes, from small Tribunal or Magistrates Court matters to complex Supreme Court litigation.

If you have any commercial or civil litigation matters related to civil law, corporate law, commercial law, dispute resolution, appeals, or judicial review, get in touch with us by clicking on the button below.

Your Civil Litigation Lawyer

Civil law lays out the rights and obligations of individuals, government entities, and private/non-government organisations during their interactions. It differs from criminal law as a violation of civil law does not typically result in criminal prosecution or penalties.

This field of law is highly technical and involves different procedures and thus, resolving disputes can be costly and time-consuming, depending on the situation.

Luckily, your Brisbane-based civil litigation lawyer will have extensive experience dealing with a broad range of disputes that result in litigation, including but not limited to property damage, divorce, defamation, negligence, insurance disputes, nuisance, trespass and administrative appeals.

Once you engage us, we will prioritise resolving your matter in the most timely and efficient manner — providing you with the best available options and strategies to resolve your matter. Contact us today regarding your specific matter.

Specific Civil & Commercial Law Issues

Your Corporate Lawyer

The term “corporate litigation” covers more than just one business suing another. Rather, it encompasses legal actions related to any business or corporation, including preventative measures and dispute management. This can include legal actions related to contracts and wrongful actions.

Each business dispute has its own complexities. Whether trying to resolve contractual disputes, or disputes between directors, partners, shareholders, employees, contractors or various stakeholders in all areas of business — we partner with you to achieve the best viable commercial outcome.

We will partner with you to provide a definitive position on your prospects, costs and timeframes — developing a strategic plan that will help you understand the dispute, and work towards a prompt, thorough and successful outcome.

Your Commercial Litigation Lawyer

Commercial litigation covers a wide range of legal areas. In contrast to criminal law, which requires proving matters ‘beyond reasonable doubt.’ In commercial litigation, facts are examined ‘on the balance of probabilities’ to resolve disputes.

Governed by a variety of processes and procedures; depending upon the nature of the dispute, commercial litigation is a very technical area of law that can, unfortunately, be both time consuming and expensive.

At Sambi legal, we focus on resolving disputes as efficiently as possible, with a view to minimising your business costs. We implement strategies seeking a timely resolution to the dispute via informal discussions or submissions between the parties or in the alternative, negotiating successful outcomes at a settlement conference or mediation.

We aim to resolve disputes in a cost-effective manner by implementing strategies that prioritise timely and exhaustive solutions. This typically includes informal discussions, submissions between the parties, negotiating successful outcomes in settlement conferences, mediations or a combination of the above. Sometimes, these practices may be at the direction of the court, depending whether you are suing a party, or being sued. In rare instances, a trial may also ensue.

If you, your business, or company, has become involved in a contractual dispute of any kind, contact us here to discuss your options.

Your Dispute Resolution Lawyer

Legal avenues for resolving disputes can involve different approaches including litigation, mediation, and negotiated settlements- sometimes using a combination of all three.

Our litigation lawyers can offer different solutions depending on the nature of your dispute including representing you by making submissions and negotiating a resolution on your behalf, attending conciliation or settlement conferences, or mediation to try to come to an agreement with the other party. Our litigation team is experienced in both suing another entity and defending against your lawsuit.

Working with a law firm will typically increase your chances of safeguarding your rights, finding a more viable solution, and improving your chances of success. This is because a significant amount of the work that will influence the outcome usually takes place before the case is brought before a judge.

Litigation is often stressful and costly in turns of resources, time and stress. We will guide you through with an empathetic and professional approach whilst attaining the best possible outcome.

If you have been or at risk of being sued, or need to consider your options to enforce your legal rights, Sambi Legal can assist you.

Your Appeals Lawyer

The court system is not flawless, and errors can occur due to incomplete evidence or mistakes. This is why there is an appeal system in place at every level to rectify these mistakes.

Some examples of reasons for appeal include:

  1. Defence lawyers providing inadequate representation.
  2. The Judge incorrectly applying the law.
  3. Recently discovered evidence raising doubts about the case.
  4. The verdict seeming illogical or unreasonable.
  5. The given sentence being excessively severe.

Appeals can be complex as the burden of proof rests with the defence to demonstrate why the initial decision was incorrect thus all possible avenues must be explored in this pursuit. Many good trial lawyers are uncomfortable with the appeal process and overly negative about your chances. It takes a lawyer with imagination, persistence and a positive attitude to succeed in appeal work.

Strict time limits may apply to appeals so contact us immediately for advice or call us on 1300 990 234 regarding your current situation.

Your Judicial Reviews Lawyer

The purpose of judicial review is to examine decisions made by public authorities to ensure that they are legal, reasonable, and fair. This process focuses on the law rather than the merits of the decision. A court must assess whether the decision was made in accordance with natural justice, whether the factors considered were appropriate under the legislation, and whether the decision-maker acted within their authorised powers.

It can be difficult to decide if you should pursue a judicial review, so it’s important to seek legal advice on your options. Time is crucial because there are often strict deadlines for reviews, sometimes as short as 14 days.

If you have negative decision made by a public authority, contact us to discuss your best way to fight it.

Disclaimer: Please note that contacting us does not establish a lawyer-client relationship. The information you provide in this form will be treated as confidential, but it does not create an attorney-client relationship and should not be considered legal advice. For personalised legal advice, please consult with one of our experienced lawyers. The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For personalised advice tailored to your specific situation, please consult with one of our experienced immigration lawyers.